Basic personal principles for good mental health

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The origin of your mental health is based on these simple principles. Practising them daily can change your life completely.

Without fear of making mistakes, most people have a very busy lifestyle, as if 24 hours a day are not enough to carry out all the activities we have planned. In fact, on some occasions, we stop doing things simply because we don't have time for anything.

Thus, we let life pass to the point of stressing us more than usual. That is why the WHO has published a Guide to Intervention in Mental Health, as it is not something to be taken lightly, as many illnesses develop from the emotions we feel. In this case, we could mention stress, depression, anxiety, among others.

If these diseases are not diagnosed in time, they can become serious as they can even lead to suicide in the worst case.

Our balanced mind and body

Now, understanding that mental health is something very important and that we must take care to avoid devastating consequences, I share some ideas to apply in your life and, thus, feel much better emotionally, despite your fast-paced lifestyle.

1. Give everything a break

Franklin Covey, creator of the “Leader in Me” program, in his 7 Habits for Successful People, states that we all have to organize ourselves to ensure that we have enough time and, thus, not to neglect important areas that make us feel well. He classifies them as the brain, the heart, the body and the passion.

If we are aware that not everything in life is work (brain area), we could give ourselves time to do things of the heart, that is, have space during the day to enjoy with family, loved ones and friends. We would also have time to exercise (body area). And finally, passion, which is about being able to develop some skill, doing what really pleases us, that is, our life mission.

If you want to keep your mind and body balanced, get organized and plan your day to day so you don't neglect these important areas that will make you feel good about yourself and thus your mental health will improve remarkably.

2. rest

Some people rest by watching a program on television, others reading a good book and others sleeping. You can choose how your body and mind can rest. The common thing is to clear the mind of all responsibilities and obligations to reduce stress and agitation; that way, you can have good mental health.

Remember that at this point it is also important to sleep at least 8 hours, without interruption, so that your body can recover and recharge the energy it will need during the day.

3. Healthy eating

Often, tiredness is extreme and we tend to choose fast food, fatty and high-calorie food. This is a way of tricking our brain and thus being able to activate it. However, we know that this diet will harm our physical and mental health in the long term, as it will start with obesity, fatigue, among others.


That's why it's important to eat a healthy and balanced diet, so that your overall health remains stable. For example: drink lots of water, eat fruits, vegetables, cereals and proteins; remember that you don't need to be a nutrition expert to select healthy foods.

4. Practice exercises

To maintain good mental health, any physical activity is recommended. It could be cycling, going to the gym, walking 30 minutes during the day, walking your pets, running. Keep in mind that it all depends on your lifestyle and how committed you are to achieving the goals you have in mind. Remember that when we exercise, substances are released that stimulate the brain to feel good, such as the hormones serotonin and dopamine.

5. Sunlight

Sunbathing has great benefits for our physical and mental health. At least get into the habit of going out for 15 minutes a day, at a reasonable time when the sun's rays are not so harmful to your skin.

Sunbathing will help you improve your mood because you will relax; thus, your emotions will be balanced to the point of letting go of stress.

6. Having pets

Pets are wonderful and exceptional living beings, when you have the opportunity to have dogs, cats, ferrets or other pets, you will feel great.


Taking care of pets relaxes the mind, reduces stress and is also fun as they will convey instant joy and peace. That's why having pets is something experts recommend.

7. Think about you

We often make the mistake of setting aside our own needs to satisfy those of others. This can harm your mental health as you won't be doing what you really like and want. Remember, it's not about sacrificing everything for your loved ones, simply because you need care just like they do.

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